Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wow. What a week. Despite it only being three days.

Firstly, a big hello/comment to the knitting people! In particular Anna, Miss Fee and Kris for making me smile this week. And congrats to Kris and Miss Fee on good news (of different types) this week.

This year I've become involved in two really awesome communities, both kinda by accident. I've talked a lot about the Inspire community, but not so much about the knitting community. For me, the knitting community has grown up both through work (to anyone that is one of my 'regulars', you really do make my day!) and the blogosphere. For me, its as simple as a smile or a 'you cut your hair!' which just make me happy.

I don't know if Kris will read this - but its worth other people hearing about an amazing woman anyway.

I first met Kris at my interview for TC. I was 14, had no idea what I was doing applying for a job at an embroidery shop, and was generally kinda insecure. During my interview I was bombarded with questions such as 'how many days old do you eat Krispy Cremes?'. I figured then that I had found a cool place to work.
Kris has been there as a big sister figure throughout the four years I've worked at TC, and has made me smile the whole time. From my very first day when someone at the lunch shop thought we were sisters, to being taught how to use the website, I've been really privileged to work with a clever, happy and all round amazing person.
Kris leaves next week to go to a new job - and that isn't something I begrudge her in the least. The fact that she stayed at TC for as long as she has amazed me, and I know she'll go far doing what she was actually trained in (web stuff :P)
So web-goddess, thankyou.

Although I'm not religious, Easter seems to me to be a good time to pause and give thanks and be happy.
Other happy moments of this week include:
Getting on to the RO forums and realising lucky I am to be part of a community like that.
An intense, but good week at work where I feel I achieved something.
An over all happy and more beneficial relationship with le chat (who actually won't let me use his name on the blog - security freak!)
Lots and lots of knitting achieved! (check out me on ravelry for details)

Hope everyone has a really good easter

1 comment:

missfee said...

thank you!!!
and your hair still looks great