Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hi 30 year old self.

What's life like this side of my twenties?
Did I end up with le chat?
Am I the CEO of Inspire?
Have I made a difference to people's lives?
When I thought I'd beaten the black tiger cubs, did I? Or did it get bad again?
Did I ever resolve those attachment issues?
Do I have kids?

I'm 18. Here's where I want to be at 30.

- Married or in a long term relationsihp
- Have a PhD/double degree and masters in something snazzy
- Helping young people in a significant way
- Happy
- Having helped my younger siblings get through/reach adolescence with no serious downsides
- Having supported my family when they need me
- Having trained as a lifeline counsellor and helped people
- Having travelled to at least 5 different countries

Here's 25.
- An undergraduate degree, working on or having done a masters/phd
- Significant amounts of work exp in the mental health field
- Living out of home (preferably in another country)
- A better sense of who I am
- Being about to graduate from Inspire, having made a serious contribution to the reaching of the 2012 goals and creating awareness of how they can help mentally ill young people
- Having worked with Inspire both here and in the US/Ireland
- Having a good network of people who I can rely on, and who rely on me
- Having had no one around me die/being hospitalized because of mental illness
- Still knitting/having craft as a significant thing in my life
- Having travelled to at least another 2 countries

Here's 19.
- Having seeing China, Mongolia and Russia successfully by myself.
- Having completed a first 9 months as a YA
- Having adjudicated kids in high school debating with no major dramas
- Having not had a significant mental 'episode' for the past 6 months
- Having worked a successful year at TC and being proud of that year.
- Having supported my family through the challenges that we are/will be/might face during the year
- Being able to look back over the past year and be confident that I spent it as best I could

Here's 18 and 6 months (two and a half months away)
- Having taken significant action as a YA and spread the Inspire dream to at least ... 30? ... more people
- Being confident as to what is happening with myself and le chat
- Be on my way to a fantastic month in Russia

Not what I intended, but useful none the less. They are not resolutions per se, but definetly goals and things I know I can/need to achieve.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Wow Bec. You have such clear defined goals. I wish I had goals like that. I barely know what I'm going to do next week, let alone in 10 years time. That takes dedication.