Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Ergh, first post

One of the new years resolution was to start a blog.
So I'm starting it

It's the 2nd day of 2008. Which has started off really well. I rang in the new year with alcohol, my sister, her boyfriend and Alicat. Who will become a regular feature of this blog! I then slept till 7am, and had a really lazy new years day. Alicat and I went on a ghost tour of the rocks last night, which was awfully fun (and not as spooky as you may suspect).
Today invovled making babydeathpod (a birthday present) work and seeing Enchanted with Mila (my 8 year old sister). It was suprisingly good, I do have to admit to loving Patrick Dempsey with a passion, but the storyline was interesting and quirky. Would have been a good supplementary text for pomoism (eng ext 1 last year), lots of self referencing. For anyone who has seen it, the scene of people dancing in central park was my favourite, and I think I might treat myself to the soundtrack (if there is one).

Next few days are a few goodbyes- Grandparents leave Sydney tommorrow, and Alicat goes back to HK on Sunday - which will involve many many tears, but I don't exactly have an option. It's the last time, so it won't be too bad. And I do have a lot of things to look foward to this year.

Will try and make this more commentary on the world in general from now on, just wanted to set it up


Ali Campbell said...

I love you..

missfee said...

yay - welcome to the land of blogging......

M-H said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I'll keep an eye out for your posts.